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Sunday, 18 April 2004
The city drifts
Into the night
And slumber.
Opaque lights
and slowly
turns to magenta
of my blood
and dark,
until only shadows
I grope within
And reverie
Reveals nothing
Of last nights
Against the bare,
Holding back self
Against the shrivelling
Heat of bodies
With feverish
In tune
To the murmuring
Of unintelligible
Sounding of my own
Drums beating
In my brains,
That offers
But a vague
with words
of different forms.
This night is just
Like the other nights,
Cold, bleak
And dry from its
Own emptiness
And bed of dreams
Suffocated with air
Of nowhere
Until eternal remoteness
One thing I'm glad
Is tonight
I do exist
Like the myriad
Of souls
Wandering and wondering
Where these all began
and where
will it all lead to.
Or do I have
To feel sorry,
For I, too,
Don't know
Where the sun rises
And rest
From its journey
In this vastness
And nothing.
This wonderful
Neon-coloured madness
Of the earth
Where shadows
Wear masks and sceptre
Or weapon and possess
All bounds in its bosom
Until this kingdom come.
I wonder
Where the sleepers go
To journey
On this infancy of being
Or being nothing.
Trying to put words
Together and weave the dream
Trying to decipher
Each clashing sound
Each cry
Each waving of a helpless
Un-skinned hand
And hope
To come to this
Fallen from grace
And drown itself in its
Thousand and one-self
The night is still
The night is where
My restless soul wander
For it was denied repose
In its maternal womb
To dream.
But this night will
Not just be a night
Of many dreams forlorn
In this emptiness
And to remember.
I will gently
Drift off
To this sea of thoughts
And find solace in dream
Of dreams

Posted by jako001ztudd at 2:43 PM EDT
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Your rush is just
A faint sound
Through woods and thickets
Of ages past
I see your bottom
So clear, so fresh
As if my reflection
Whisper its longing
I kissed you and drown
Myself in memories
Cooling and freshens
My thirsty soul.

Yours is a drop
Of my perspiration
Salty, tangy from miles
And miles that seem to be
Squeezing yourself through
My mind of longing.

And here I am
Listening to your rush
Of life-giving, thirst-quenching
This soul-immortal.

I long for you as I walk
With my bare skin
On your dry and torrid bottom
Feeling your feverish stagnation,
Like myself.

I bring myself back
To where I plunged
In your womb to cleanse,
To freshen.

And you are my rebirth
As I feel you,
My whole and every part of me
Engulfed in your all might
In my communion
Healing the wounds.

But yours is dry
And sings no ripples, no more
Yours is but scorched
From the heat of high summer
And no music at all.
Condemn my wretched soul.

Posted by jako001ztudd at 2:38 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 14 April 2004
Two Sparrows

Two sparrows soaring
as white as the morning mist
scent of love divine.


Posted by jako001ztudd at 4:42 PM EDT
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Monday, 12 April 2004
This Eros
This spring my love,
will shower you this beauty
endowed upon my being
The heart and soul of sweet
Aphrodite, from her womb.

Distant but not so distant
the love that's a gossamer thread
binding all mirth, calling
of lightyears, and thou
with sweet surrender.

you are... but love,
You and I, two hearts, but one.

(from 2 April 2004)
by: Leoward Cabangbang

Posted by jako001ztudd at 3:36 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 16 March 2004
Save Me a Dream
Tell me the tales of
sweet childhood dreams
As I gently fall in deep slumber,
Lighten up the night with lullaby
And send my guardian angel
to watch me by.
Tuck me into this peaceful dream
Undisturbed of monsters
Lurking in the dark
shadows of nightmare.
Close my eyes with soft enchantment
At least for the night of sweet remembering.
Guard me with dew
spill of years drawn from the bosom
of songbirds singing
greeting the daybreak of sweet surrender.
Wake me up with sunshine
Soft kisses of another day
Shower of another start.

Leoward Aborot Cabangbang

Copyright ?2004 Leoward Aborot Cabangbang

Posted by jako001ztudd at 4:09 PM EST
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Tonight's Kiss
Torrid from longing of flower's fragrance
of far-away clime upon this night
Its velvet crowning reminds you of the glory
Of the vast vivid sadness, of rain-soaked
Craving in every minute fibre of senses
Burning at the edge of trailing
And resurrection behind sacred faces
Which enshrouds the scorn
Of gentle rose stinging, and this dampening
You let yourself drift away dreaming
The night upon purple boughs of delight
For once, this melancholy of fright
You will bury it through the night
The tedious beckoning of gentle touch
Agitation of hysterical laughs
Bequeathed upon your soul, binding all mirth
And tuck it away the wetness
Of this somnolence behind graces,
Beyond reasonable doubt
In memory of this night, unto this life.

Leoward Aborot Cabangbang

Copyright ?2004 Leoward Aborot Cabangbang

Posted by jako001ztudd at 4:07 PM EST
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I shall embrace you
Imbued with your opaque rays
Against the setting sun
After long slow-circling months
I would not let you roll away
Without a kiss, a bliss.
I'll find the end of the rainbow
And plant each coloured hue
Deep in your bosom
Then your eyes would glow
Brighter than the rest of the stars
That will remind all the world
Your celestial fragrance
Amongst the myriad of heavenly flowers.

Leoward Aborot Cabangbang

Copyright ?2004 Leoward Aborot Cabangbang

Posted by jako001ztudd at 3:59 PM EST
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Tell Me
Tell me how you harbour
This parched earth under your skin,
And lips, and naked feet searing and burning
With an obscure smell of bones
into the stream of smokes blown
into the sea of forgetting.
It tortures me, your drought
and least your fluids
that runs through your veins,
full of reckless abandon.
Seeing your plain and naked self,
pains me to the bone
You opened your eyes and feel
my drowsiness of lightyears of longing,
eons of drained and petrified youth
But not the ones stripped off and left dead
in shame of holy-less ignoble soul.
At least it only exist in my mind
A state of being, to where it was,
where it will be, makes no difference at all.

Leoward Aborot Cabangbang

Copyright ?2004 Leoward Aborot Cabangbang

Posted by jako001ztudd at 3:32 PM EST
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Monday, 23 February 2004
Borne in the same nakedness
Brought forth by the seasons
Fluids run into its veins
Wild in its own dreams of vision
Here we are
Lying naked as the earth
Kissing off the memories of unforgiving
It grows back in the rain
Washed-off bleak vivid sadness
There it returns,
Promises a new life
And surrender.
Listening to the songs
With gold and amber
And it fades.
The music of far away
And covered with shadows and darkness,
This soul
And rest.

Leoward Aborot Cabangbang

Copyright ?2004 Leoward Aborot Cabangbang

Posted by jako001ztudd at 8:32 PM EST
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Remembering Palawan
I remember you in the moonlight
And feel the breeze among the stars
I see your face in the light
Of the magnitude of twinkling lights above.
Staring into your eyes, calming me down
In cradle of endless night
As I dream forever.
I see you in the sunrise, in the rays of the blazing sun
I hear your song divine
As the wind kisses the leaves of time.
In this spring, inspireth my soul of love-abundance
I lay myself in your cradle
As I dream forever.
I hear your voice still
As the sun bids farewell
To rest for the lonely night
Embraces my soul, my heart, my everything
I lay myself down, remembering the journeys within my whole
As I lay in your cradle, in your womb
To dream forever.

Leoward Cabangbang

Copyright ?2004 Leoward Aborot Cabangbang

Posted by jako001ztudd at 8:13 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 23 February 2004 8:39 PM EST
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